Monday, July 22, 2013

If I was THAT type of girl..

Did you know girls like me ... "dont 'get' in love".
but man if i could fall in head over heels real love.. it would be with someone that made me laugh like he does, and smiles at me like he does, and even shakes his head at me like he does.
Cuz lord knows I'm a mess. and he sure knows it too.
But man if I could fall in love, we'd have the best time. And deep conversations about life and all the fucked up things about it, but how good and sweet it is because we have each other.
..On second thought, that makes me sick. Love is so overrated.
Love is for fools, not for me.

Sure, I've been around the block a time or two. I'm sure I've been in love before. But it can't have been the kind of love I'm talking about because after the initial heartbreak, it was so easy to let something else replace it. It was so hard at first, but then so easy to let it go.

I want a "you're my guy, i'm your girl, but you're also my best friend" kinda love. Where there is nothing too deep or too trivial to discuss and every one of my thoughts is heard, assessed.
I wonder if that love exists?

I bet we could create it.

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