I could close my eyes and find myself back in one specific moment in time. I can recall the thoughts, the smells, the sounds, the feelings, the words. Always the words.
I'm sure I have mentioned before that my best friend lives in Germany. As I like to refer to her, "someone I love".
Someone I love once wondered, what if everyone were naked all the time?
Someone I love once found beautiful old black and white photography when rummaging through drawers. Exactly the thing I adore. She mailed them from Germany to the United States. They now live in my room.
I am thinking back to the day when I first realized love will outlive us all.
And I honestly believe that. The way many people believe in organized religion and politics and that their vote and place in this world or their country will somehow make a difference... and I hope it does but in the meantime, I will be here, believing in love. And being lost in a moment that has long passed but still holds me tight.
Because I honestly believe that no matter what any of us do to destroy this world, there will still be love.
And I know one person, my person, who is proof of that.